Starting the process

In April 2003 we started the International adoption process which culminated in May of 2004 with the adoption of our daughter Marie from China. The whole process took about 13 months. Last year, Sept 2005 we decide to start the process all over again, and so far it's looking like it will be quite a bit longer. Paperwork has taken us 6 months (vs. 4 months last time) leaving us with a LID of March 29th (LID - log in date - the day the Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs officially put us in their system). Current estimates for when we will receive pictures of Marie's Mei Mei (little sister) are 10-14 months with travel to China being 6-10 weeks after that. So right now we're looking at Feb - Jun of 2007. However, last time at this point the estimate was also 14 months but during the wait things sped up and the actual time was 8 months so there is always hope that the same will happen this time.
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